Edo-Tokyo Museum, Museum in Ryogoku, Tokyo
Edo-Tokyo Museum, Museum in Ryogoku, Tokyo
To find out about the latest exhibitions, please visit:

Edo-Tokyo Museum Admission Fees
600 yen Adults
480 yen College & University Students
300 yen High School Students & Adults over the age of 65
* Free for Elementary School Students & those younger
* Free for disabled guests and people under welfare assistance (please show your identification)
* Group discounts are available for groups of 20 or more people.

Edo-Tokyo Museum Services (Free)
Volunteer Guides
Guides for the permanent exhibition, including English, German, French, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Russian-speakers. Please note that guides in some languages are not available on some days. Reservation should be made as early as the 10th of the month prior to your planned month of visit and no later than 2 weeks prior to your planned visiting day.
Guide Earphones
The earphone receiver enables you to tune into the guidance narration. You will be required to make a refundable deposit in order to use the earphone.